Simple Divorce Agreement Uk

If you are considering a divorce in the UK, it`s important to know that you can reach a simple divorce agreement that can be both affordable and quick. A simple divorce agreement is a straightforward and cost-effective way to end a marriage, without unnecessary legal and financial disputes.

Here are some things you need to know about a simple divorce agreement in the UK:

What is a Simple Divorce Agreement in the UK?

A simple divorce agreement is a non-contested divorce. It means that both you and your partner agree on the terms of your divorce, including the division of assets, child custody and visitation arrangements, if applicable.

In a simple divorce agreement, you and your partner can submit a joint application for divorce to the court. This is the most straightforward and cost-effective approach to obtaining a divorce in the UK.

How to Obtain a Simple Divorce Agreement in the UK?

To obtain a simple divorce agreement in the UK, you and your partner must first agree on all terms of the divorce. This includes the division of assets, repayment of debts, child custody, and any other relevant issues.

Once you have agreed on the divorce terms, you can submit a joint application for divorce to the court. You can do this online or by post. To apply for a divorce online, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

– You and your partner have agreed on all divorce terms.

– You and your partner have been separated for at least two years, and you both consent to the divorce.

– You and your partner have been separated for at least five years.

– You and your partner previously had a legal separation agreement, and you both consent to the divorce.

If you don`t qualify for online divorce, you can submit a paper application via post. The court will then review your application and, if everything is in order, grant you a divorce.

How Much Does a Simple Divorce Agreement Cost in the UK?

A simple divorce agreement can be significantly cheaper than a contested divorce. The court`s fees for a simple divorce agreement are currently £550, which includes the cost of submitting your application and obtaining a decree absolute.

Additional fees may be incurred if you choose to work with a solicitor to draft your divorce agreement or to assist you with your application. The cost of legal support varies depending on your requirements.


A simple divorce agreement is an affordable and straightforward way to end a marriage in the UK. It can save you time and money, and reduce the stress and emotional strain that often accompanies a contested divorce.

If you and your partner agree on all terms of your divorce, consider a simple divorce agreement to end your marriage. For further guidance, you may wish to consult a legal expert to ensure your agreement is valid and legally binding.