Regis Enterprise Agreement Wa

Regis Enterprise Agreement WA: An Overview

Regis is one of the leading providers of aged care services in Australia. They operate over 60 residential aged care facilities across the country, providing personalized care to elderly Australians. In Western Australia, Regis operates several aged care homes which are governed by the Regis Enterprise Agreement WA. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Regis Enterprise Agreement WA and its significance for aged care workers.

What is the Regis Enterprise Agreement WA?

The Regis Enterprise Agreement WA is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for Regis employees in Western Australia. The agreement is negotiated between Regis and the relevant unions on behalf of their members. The agreement covers a range of issues related to employment, including pay rates, working hours, leave entitlements, and other employment-related matters.

Why is the Regis Enterprise Agreement WA important?

The Regis Enterprise Agreement WA is important for aged care workers because it provides them with a framework for their employment. The agreement ensures that workers are paid fairly and have access to entitlements such as annual leave and sick leave. It also sets out the conditions for work hours and rostering, ensuring that workers are not overworked and that residents receive the care they need.

The agreement is also significant because it includes provisions for workplace health and safety. Aged care workers are often exposed to hazards such as manual lifting, infectious diseases, and challenging behaviors from residents. The Regis Enterprise Agreement WA sets out the measures that must be taken to protect workers from these hazards and ensure their safety in the workplace.

What are the key provisions of the Regis Enterprise Agreement WA?

The Regis Enterprise Agreement WA includes a range of provisions related to pay, leave, working hours, and workplace health and safety. Some of the key provisions include:

– Pay rates: The agreement sets out the minimum pay rates for different categories of workers, including personal care attendants, registered nurses, and managers.

– Leave entitlements: Workers are entitled to annual leave, sick leave, and other forms of leave such as carer’s leave and compassionate leave.

– Working hours: The agreement sets out the maximum number of hours that workers can be rostered to work, and the conditions under which they can be asked to work additional hours.

– Workplace health and safety: The agreement includes provisions for the identification and management of workplace hazards, as well as the provision of appropriate training and equipment to ensure that workers are protected from harm.


The Regis Enterprise Agreement WA is an important document for aged care workers in Western Australia. It provides a framework for their employment, ensuring that they are paid fairly and have access to leave entitlements. The agreement also sets out the conditions for working hours and rostering, as well as measures to protect workers from workplace hazards. For Regis employees in Western Australia, the agreement represents a vital tool in securing their rights and ensuring their safety in the workplace.