Noun and Pronoun Agreement Rules

Noun and Pronoun Agreement Rules: Mastering The Basics

Noun and pronoun agreement may seem like a basic grammatical concept, but it is one of the most important elements of writing. It is essential to master this skill, as it is an integral part of clear communication and effective writing. In this article, we will explore the fundamental rules of noun and pronoun agreement.

Rule 1: Singular Nouns and Pronouns

The first rule of noun and pronoun agreement is to match singular nouns with singular pronouns and plural nouns with plural pronouns. For instance, the pronoun “he” is used to refer to a singular male noun, while “she” is used to refer to a singular female noun. Additionally, “it” is used to refer to a singular non-human noun.

Example: The dog wagged its tail.

In the example above, “dog” is the singular noun, and “its” is the singular pronoun used to refer to it.

Rule 2: Plural Nouns and Pronouns

When working with plural nouns, use plural pronouns to match. The pronoun “they” is used to refer to multiple people or things.

Example: The books were on the shelf, and they looked brand new.

In the above example, “books” is the plural noun, and “they” is the plural pronoun used to refer to the books.

Rule 3: Irregular Nouns

Irregular nouns like “men”, “women”, “children”, “fish”, “deer”, “tooth”, “foot”, and others require specific pronouns that differ from the standard singular pronouns. For example, “men” requires the pronoun “they”, while “women” requires “she”.

Example: The deer in the forest looked at us, and they were not afraid.

In the above example, “deer” is an irregular noun, and “they” is the plural pronoun that refers to the deer.

Rule 4: Agreement in Gender

Another important aspect of noun and pronoun agreement is matching gender in writing. The pronouns “he” and “she” refer to male and female singular nouns respectively.

Example: The teacher was kind, and she helped her students understand the lesson.

In the above example, “teacher” is the singular noun that represents a female, and “she” is the pronoun used to refer to her.

Rule 5: Agreement in Number

The final rule of noun and pronoun agreement is to match the number of the noun with the pronoun. You should use a singular pronoun with a singular noun and a plural pronoun with a plural noun.

Example: The birds outside were chirping, and they flew away when the cat appeared.

In the above example, “birds” is the plural noun, and “they” is the plural pronoun that refers to them.


In conclusion, noun and pronoun agreement is a fundamental element of writing. By mastering these basic rules, you can improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. Remember to match singular nouns with singular pronouns and plural nouns with plural pronouns, use the correct pronouns for irregular nouns, match gender and number, and avoid common grammatical mistakes. With dedicated practice, you can easily become proficient in noun and pronoun agreement, enhancing your writing style and overall communication.