Basic Principles of Contract Law Scotland

Basic Principles of Contract Law Scotland

Contract law is the area of law that governs agreements between parties. In Scotland, contract law is based on the principles of offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to create legal relations. These principles are fundamental to the formation of a binding contract. In this article, we will discuss these principles in more detail.


An offer is a communication made by one party to another indicating an intention to be bound by certain terms and conditions. For example, if a business offers to sell a product at a certain price, this is an offer. The offer must be sufficiently clear and definite to enable the other party to accept it and create a binding contract.


Acceptance is a communication made by the other party indicating agreement to the terms of the offer. For acceptance to be effective, it must be communicated to the offeror. The acceptance must be unqualified and mirror the terms of the offer. If the acceptance modifies the terms of the offer, it is a counter-offer and must be accepted by the other party.


Consideration is something of value that is given or promised in exchange for something else. Consideration can be a promise to do something or not to do something. It must be something that both parties agree has value, and it cannot be something that the party was already obligated to do. For example, if a business promises to deliver a product to a customer in exchange for payment, the payment is the consideration.

Intention to Create Legal Relations

For a contract to be binding, both parties must intend to create legal relations. This means that they must intend to enter into a legally enforceable agreement. This intention is usually presumed in commercial agreements, but may not be presumed in social or domestic agreements.


In conclusion, the basic principles of contract law in Scotland are offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to create legal relations. These principles are fundamental to the formation of a binding contract. It is important to understand these principles to ensure that your contracts are legally enforceable. If you are unsure about any aspect of contract law, it is essential to seek legal advice.